VVS Diamond Buying Guide
Buying Guide for VVS Diamonds
If you are looking to invest in purchasing diamonds or diamond jewelry, one of the main concerns that can arise is not getting scammed or buying false merchandise. With diamonds being a high-cost payout, it’s important to be clear on the quality of the jewels you are receiving. VVS (very very slightly included) diamonds can look almost identical to VS (very slightly included) diamonds, however, the price of them is the main differentiator.
What Defines a VVS Diamond?
When speaking in regards to VVS diamonds, this refers to the clarity of the jewel itself. This means the visual appearance of any blemishes or inclusions in the diamond. If you are someone who is new to the buying process of diamonds, the acronyms can be somewhat confusing, therefore we are here to help! Inclusions are represented by aspects of the diamond-like internal graining or cavities, whereas blemishes are imperfections like scratches, dark coloration or chips. When there are fewer inclusions and blemishes, the clarity grade of the diamond itself will be higher.
VVS grade diamonds can be separated into two levels: VVS1 and VVS2, with VVS1 representing the higher grade. These diamonds will have minor imperfections that even trained diamond experts will have trouble seeing under a microscope. Even though clarity can determine a diamond’s value, inclusions usually go unnoticed to the naked eye.
To determine the clarity of your diamond on a scale of best to worse, see the diagram below.
IF | VVS1 | VVS2 | VS1 | VS2 | SI1 | SI2 | I1 | I2 |
Internally Flawed | Very Very Small Inclusion 1 | Very Very Small Inclusion 2 | Very Small Inclusions 1 | Very Small Inclusions 2 | Small Inclusions 1 | Small Inclusions 2 | Inclusions 1 | Inclusions 2 |
VVS1 Diamond vs. VVS2 Diamonds
VVS1 Diamonds are the high clarity diamonds that are closer to being internally flawless diamonds which are a very rare find. When looking through a microscope, the inclusions on a VVS1 are not visible to the eye. Only a trained eye will be able to identify any inclusions using a high powered device, which is why they are more costly than their comparative diamonds. When professional grade a diamond they use certain determinations to define the grading. The first one is; the size of the inclusion itself. If the inclusion can be spotted under a 10x magnification than the diamond would be of a clarity lower than VVS1. Diamond professionals also look for the number of inclusions. The more inclusions seen, the lower the grade. Finally, where the inclusions are located are a determining factor of the clarity grade. For example, inclusions found below the diamond’s table, vs. the crown facet. Lightness and darkness also play a role in clarity levels of diamonds.
VVS2 Diamonds are graded under Very Very Slightly included but of a lower level than VVS1 diamonds. Inclusions for these diamonds are very miniscule even under 10x magnification. VVS2 diamonds are graded on the number, size, color, and location of its inclusions. To the naked eye, however, VVS2 diamonds look pretty much identical to VVS1 diamonds and even IF diamonds. Because inclusions are so hard to see, a gemological microscope is usually needed to determine the clarity grade of a VVS2 diamond. This is because the inclusion pattern consists of spots that are usually seen on a VVS1 diamond, which therefore make it harder to determine. Since these spots individually are too small to be identified with a jeweler’s lobe, a powerful microscope is needed.
Difference between VVS and VS Clarity
Very Slightly Included Diamonds (VS) of both grades (VS1 and VS2) usually have a small number of inclusions when the diamond is viewed under magnification, and even with magnification, they can still be hard to identify. That’s why it is best to have a gemologist professional help you with this. However, VVS diamonds do have less visible flaws and smaller inclusions than a VS diamond when evaluated under a microscope.
VS diamonds also tend to have a larger number of inclusions. When Clarity graders consider the location, size, color and number of inclusions; a VS diamond doesn’t always mean it has more imperfections than a VVS diamond (ie: An inclusion may be more centralized on the crown or larger.)
In relation to price, VVS diamonds are always higher than VS; even though factors like color and cut quality go into consideration as well. Because of the high power of clarity grade differentiation, two similar diamonds could differ in price by $1,000. With that being said, our recommendation is to always choose a VS diamond or lower grade, vs. a VVS diamond due to the fact that the difference between the grades can’t be determined by the naked eye.

What to Look for When Buying Diamonds
A common mistake people make when purchasing a diamond is selecting one with a clarity grade that is too high to appreciate. Diamonds should not be considered an investment due to down the line resale value just like any other retail product. It’s important to understand that in terms of clarity, additional value is not seen to the naked eye for a higher priced diamond vs. a lower grade that appear the same; which means that unless you’re reselling it to a professional diamond expert, don’t spend the extra money. Therefore, always look for a diamond that appears clean to the naked eye, but has a lower clarity grade.
When reviewing any diamonds it is important to view through high magnification equipment before purchasing. We suggest tools from companies such asJames Allen which is applauded for their cutting edge technology in regards to having the best tools for evaluating the clarity of diamonds.